Perseverance 5
Hebrews 6:12
– that you do not become sluggish, but imitate those who through faith and
patience inherit the promises.
So, I really
like this verse. It’s basically saying follow the example of our faithful,
spirit filled, Christ followers. Who are not to be lacking in faith or
patients. This verse begins to talk about being sluggish. Sluggish means to be
lazy or slow to do things. In my words, I believe that means procrastinating.
We don’t have any time to waste. We are called to be active and alive spreading
the words of Christ Jesus. And it needs to start today. Then it talks about imitating those who are
faithful and persevere with a pure of heart. For example, in 1 Corinthians
11:1, John writes and says, “Imitate me, just as I also imitate Christ.” These
people are few and far between but they are there! You just have to find them!
Today, I am
really blessed to be here at Ignite. Where there are a lot of people around
here who I could easily imitate. You can tell that all the RA’s here have a
pure passion for Christ. And the atmosphere here is definitely Spirit lead. I
notice that their hearts are purely driven for Christ and that’s something that
I think we all should want to follow. They are led by the Holy Spirit, and they
wait on His timing in everything that we do. I want to follow that lead and I
want imitate Christ that is through them.
I am going to just go with flow for
the next 3 days. Not ask question and live life by example!
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