Perseverance 4
1:9 – I, John, both your brother and companion in the tribulation and kingdom
and patience of Jesus Christ, was on the island that is called Patmos for the
word of God and for the testimony of Jesus Christ.
The first
thing that I thought about when I read this verse was encouragement. Paul’s on
Patmos in isolation because he was sharing his testimony, along with the word
of God. Could you imagine if you were sharing the word of God with people, and
that’s what got you thrown on an island? Not to mention completely by
yourself. And on top of that, he’s
writing a letter to his fellow friends telling them to persevere on! Guys, He
is on an island! Even though things are looking bad for him at that moment, he’s
still trusting God with complete faith and in patients. I love how he calls
them brother. Not only his friend, but a brother. He takes it further and say
he’s their companion. A companion to me, is someone who will journey with you
to mountain tops. And they are with you when you’re wandering through the
lowest valleys.
This really
puts Paul’s heart into perspective. He’s not even worried about where God take
Him. He’s not worried about why he’s there. He knew that God would take care of
Him. All he had to do is to keep persevering and moving forward. Not only that,
but he has a good heart about it and even takes the time to write his friends a
note of encouragement! I know for me I don’t always have a good heart about my
trials. I remember one time, when I really felt spiritual warfare over my
family. Certain individuals argued all the time and there was just a lot of
tension building up constantly, making mood of the home was so off balanced and
suffocating. I remember that season went on for a while and it really just
dragged my spirit through the dirt. I kept questioning why God wouldn’t bring
restoration into the house. I would pray at nights that he would bring peace
into the home again. At that moment, I wasn’t trusting in the Lord, I was only questioning
His goodness. But by the grace of God, he restores. I have to always remember
to keep on persevering and have patience in His timing through all seasons.
I am going to ask my roommates if
they are struggling with anything in this season and pray for each other.
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