Obedience 1
Hebrews 5:8 – though He was a Son, yet He learned obedience by the things which He suffer.
Even though He was the Son of God, he still had to do what He was told to do. Not only have that but in Philippians 2:8, it said that He had to humble Himself and then He became obedient even to the point of death. These verses makes me ponder again upon how sinful I am. How my sin put my Lord and Savior’s Son on the cross. My wickedness is what nailed and hung Him on there. God wouldn’t have had to send His only Son to die on the cross unless I would just be obedient to the will and love of His Father. Jesus’ obedience and our Father’s loving, painful sacrifice is what now allows us to be a part of His kingdom.
Obedience can have a lot of different aspects built into it. A few example pertain: compliance, submission, respect, duty, meekness, and etc. I think all these characteristics played a part in Jesus’ obedience. He understood that He loved His Father, and He loved the people. Jesus’ obedience was the ultimate selfless act.
I can be the first one to say that I am not always an obedient individual. It’s usually in the little things that I have a problem with. For instance, my mom would ask me all the time to do the dishes or help her make some dinner. I just remember being so begrudged about it. I literally acted like she just asked me to jump off a cliff. (If your reading this mom, I love you and I am sorry for being a brat.) The point is, that I should be obedient because I love my mom. I want to please her and make her happy. I have to remember to follow Jesus’ example. I need to be humble and obedient when others ask me to step up and help. Don’t just do it because you have to, do it because that is another way for Christ and you to connect on another level.

If I am asked to do something, I am going to do it promptly and well! Rachel is going to keep me accountable.


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