No Longer Dismayed

No Longer Dismayed

Joshua 1:9 – Have I not commanded you? Be strong and courageous. Do not be frightened, and do not be dismayed, for the Lord your God is with you wherever you go.

Lately, I have been feeling a little discouraged. I’m discouraged because I just feel so inadequate for this task the Lord has given me. I keep asking God, Why did you choose to send me here, I know I am supposed to be here be, but why?” How can I give them my all if I can’t even speak to them in Spanish? How can I impact the people here if I can’t get to know them or vice versa? But after asking God what seems like a thousand questions, He tells me, “Have I not commanded you? And that’s when he tells us in our time of need, “Be strong and courageous.” My need is Him. I need Him to surround me and tell me that everything is going to work out for the good of those who serve Him faithfully. Then he tells me, “Do not be afraid.” In other words He said, I got this! Stop trying to control it all on your own, give it all to Him! “Don’t be dismayed (or discouraged in other translations)” God tells me, Sarah,  I’m fighting your battles for you, you don’t have to worry about why you are there or how you are going to talk with the people because My opinion is the only opinion that should matter to you. Then I have to tell God He is right… again.  He never lets me forget that I always have Him on my side. I am never alone in any of my battles, even though it might feel like that sometimes.

Being in a Latin American culture with people who pretty much only speak Spanish is hard for me. I don’t necessarily miss being back home in the States, what I miss is speaking to people. Confiding in people, encouraging people, praying people and etc. I just miss conversations. I miss the depth with people. Maybe God’s trying to teach me how to pray for than speak. I don’t know but it’s been hard. I am happy I am here. I love the people. I know God gave me a heart for them. Even reading over this ramble of a paper, God says look at everything you are worrying about. Stop. I’m in control, not you. And I have to trust that. He’s in control and as long as I’m in His will, everything will be okay.

 Pray over the Kids at Kids Club


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