It Starts with You

It Starts with You

Leviticus 9:6-8 - Then Moses said, “This is what the LORD has commanded you to do, so that the glory of the LORD may appear to you.”  Moses said to Aaron, “Come to the altar and sacrifice your sin offering and your burnt offering and make atonement for yourself and the people; sacrifice the offering that is for the people and make atonement for them, as the LORD has commanded. So Aaron come to the altar and slaughtered the calf as a sin offering for himself.
  Aaron and his sons have just finished up doing everything that that Lord had asked them to do. Everything come down to this moment. The last thing Aaron had to do was publically make offerings for Himself and then the people.  I was wondering to myself, why did he have to make a public display of his sacrifice? After thinking about it, I think God was trying to show Aaron how to be humble himself before the people. But also, to show them that he identify himself with them.  Just because him and his sons were priests didn’t make them sin free. By showing the people that he was still a sinner. It made the people see that he was one with them, the only difference was that he was now the mediator for them before God. It was cool that God made him first make atonement for his own sin before he dealt with the people’s sins.  I think that can hold a lot of truth for us today.

The Christ follower must be the example. We need to humble ourselves to God and by doing that, we show the world that we relate with them on the level that we are all sinners and have fallen short of the glory of God. We must examine ourselves and make an atonement before the Lord before we start to help others. Our hearts have to be filled and humbled by God before we can pour out on others. It starts with you. Once our hearts are in that place before God He can use us to be a mediator to His people. He can use us to do whatever he has asked of us.

God has asked me to do a lot of things lately. He has asked me to correct my heart towards others. He has asked me to correct my attitude towards situations. He has asked me to not have a short temper. He has asked me to follow Him without question. But the biggest thing out of the short list of things I have here is, He has asked me to depend solely on Him. In doing that, it has humbled me a whole. It’s not easy to go against my sinful flesh but God prevails within me. My inward heart change allows me to be more forgiving with others, be slow to speak, be a servant, and do things with a joyful heart. My point in this ramble is that I have to look at my heart and set it right before God. By doing that enables me to pour into others because God is clear to direct me in their lives the way he wishes. My prayer is that God would search my heart and know me. And also, that he would remove the ME inside of me and input a fresh outpour of His Spirit. It starts with me before I can come to God to besiege for others behalf.
Write on a note card ways to pray for a clean heart. And put it in my bibles to look at every day.


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