Promises of God

Promise of God

Numbers 23:19 - God is no man, that he should lie; or a son of man that he should change his mind. 
Has He said, and it would not be done?

This week I have to share about a promise of God with my church’s staff. I was praying that God would reveal to me what he wanted me to share. And He put this verse into one of my morning devotions. I feel that it really proclaims who God is. He is a God of truth and righteousness. He is no ‘man’. He can cannot be swayed by this world. He cannot be deceived because he is all knowing. He is a Holy Being who keeps his word and because He is holy, he cannot go back on his word. He promises to be faithful to us till the end, and he will never leave nor forsake us.  Did you know that there are 3573 promises in the Bible? And God will fulfill all of them if we just let him. A promise is a promise. That means to God, it is a covenant that can’t be broke. But, not all of them are sunshine and rainbows. There are a lot of terrifying ones that really make you look at your life. I absolutely do not want to be an enemy God. That’s why God says we need to work out of salvation with fear and trembling. (Phil 2:12)

This is beyond comforting to me. It’s a comfort because that means that God is actively protecting me, guiding me, loving me, showing me endless grace and mercy, providing for me, supporting me, revealing himself to me, giving me courage, strength, showing me compassion, he listens to me in my time of need and so much more. But the thing is, I don’t deserve any this. This verse challenges me to want to die-to-self every day and continue to look onto the cross. I want to be humble enough to be able to receive this.


Reflect a few of the promises God gives me and examine my heart if I am allowing God to fulfill them in my life.


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