Home Bound
Home Bound
Luke 15:20 – “So he got up and went to his father. But while
he was still a long way off, his father saw him and was filled with compassion
for him; he ran to his son, threw his arms around him and kissed him.
So if you read the title you might be thinking, what does
that have to do with this verse? Well, I’m going to tell you. This is part of
the parable of the prodigal son. Jesus is telling the people about a son who
left home and ran to the world to find satisfaction and fill selfish desire,
but he quickly learned what the world will really do for you. It ruined him. To
the point of leaving him with nothingness and brokenness. But it was though
that state of brokenness that cause him to return home to his father. I can
only imagine him walking home and mentally planning out everything he would say
to his father. “Father, I messed up,” no… no… “Dad, I’m so sorry” “Father, I
will work for you, if you allow me to come home.” The walk for him probably
felt like it was going to last forever. Because, he knew that once he got
there, he would have to face his father. Not only that but probably what he
thought would be judgment and condemnation. The son knew that that’s what
should rightfully happen. But, that’s not what happened. Once the father saw
his son, he was filled with compassion. He ran to his son and embraced him. He
ran! I was thrilled to have his son back and in his arms. Picture this, the son
left the home, but the home never left him. It was right there where he left
We leave God, God never leaves us. God is our home. The
question I want to ask you is, are you home bound or world bound? Me
personally, I want to be at home. Home is where it is safe and I have a father
there to watch over me and protect me from this world that wants to destroy me.
But, when my flesh gets in the way, which it will because it is weak, I need to
always remember to come home. I need to turn away from the things that seek to
turn my attention away from God. I don’t need to be distracted here in Costa
Rica. My eyes need to see the end goal. To be home bound. To come back into the arms of my beloved
father. I am unworthy and underserving of a God who looks at all my
wretchedness with compassion. I thank God for deeming me worthy of rejoicing
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