Servant 3
Matthew 20:26-28 – Yet it shall not be so among you; but whoever desires to become great among you, let him be your servant. And whoever desires to be first among you, let him be your slave – just as the Son of Man did not come to be served, but to serve, and give Him life a ransom for many.
 I can’t tell you how much I love this passage. I remember watching this show and it had the illustration of a dirty kid sitting all the way at the end of a seemingly endless table. But, the boy sitting there, hears the Lord called Him to sit at the right hand seat next to Him. Thinking about that, as long as we are on this earth, we are going to be at the very end of the table. Not in the way that we are far from God, but as the means of we are going to be putting others before ourselves. We are going to be serving them because that’s what the Father asks of us. The Lord came to this world not to be served, even though He rightfully deserves it, but to serve others. How good is our God? He came to serve not only us, but His Father. He served the Lord even to the point of death.
All the Lord is asking of me, is to simply serve others. But, how can something so simple be so difficult? Serving others is hard. Depending on who we are serving, it can be tough to have a good attitude about it. Also depending on the task at hand. Serving others, means that I am called to be selfless. I have to put my wants and needs on the back burner and freely give to others. When we go to heaven, our inheritance is that right hand seat next to God the Father. And man, I can’t wait for that day.

I am going to find a way that I can lift up Shannon.


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